Abstract: A “perfect victim” of sexual assault is characterized as “a morally upright white woman who is physically injured while resisting... an act of violent, forceful penetration committed by a stranger during a blitz attack in a public, deserted place. (Du Mont, 469).” This outmoded concept is a result of widely held rape myths, or false beliefs pertaining to sexual assault which are rooted in sexism, racism, and homophobia. Rape myths dictate that victims and their assaults must fit into certain categories to be considered genuine, valid, or worthy of attention. When a sexual assault victim fits this definition, the victim is far more likely to gain the sympathy of the public and the action of law enforcement. Because male victims do not fit the parameters of the "perfect victim" myth, they are minimized and erased, and they are less likely to report their assaults. This makes them a perfect target for serial sex offenders.
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